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電子資訊產業發展迅速,就業市場需求強勁。為配合中部地區的光電半導體、資訊及平面顯示器等國家產業政策,規劃本系發展方向以「光電及資訊電子應用」為兩大主軸。「光電」方面包括:(一)太陽能電池、(二)光電技術、(三)電子材料工程,「資訊電子應用」方面包括:(一)網路通訊科技、(二)介面控制應用、(三)資訊電子軟硬體整合技術。本系積極擴充軟硬體設施及強化教授群師資極具成效,近年獲得政府補助及民間產學合作研發計畫經費亦逐年增加。 本系為配合國內電子工程科技人才需求,規劃完整實務課程連結基礎科技與產業應用,培育務實致用的科技工程技術人才。期使學生實務與理論兼具,專業與倫理並重,進而擁有國際視野及創新能力。本系學生畢業後可從事「光電及資訊電子」相關產業工作,包括光電及半導體產品的製造、研發、測試與維修,或消費性軟硬體電子資訊產品的電腦輔助設計、介面控制與網路通訊應用等之相關產業;亦可進入電子、電機、資訊、光電、通訊、材料等相關研究所繼續深造就讀。
Due to the rapid development of electronic information industry, the job market is strong demand. In accordance with the national industrial policy, the development direction of the Department of Electronic Engineering includes optical and electronic information application as the two principal fields. Optical Semiconductor field comprises (1) solar cell, (2) optical technology, and (3) electronic materials engineering. Electronic information application comprises (1) network communication technology, (2) interface control application, and (3) electronic information hardware/software integration. In addition to the actively expanding of the hardware/software facilities, the government grants and industry-university collaborative research and development project funding have been also increased rapidly in recent years. Based on the need of technology professionals with the development of electronic engineering, a series of practice courses linking basic technology and industrial applications have been schemed to enable students to possess technological skills and theory acknowledge, and further international perspective and innovative ability. After graduation, the students will be well engaged as qualified engineers in photoelectric semiconductor and electronic information industries, as well as master degree students related to the fields of electronic, electrical, information, photoelectric, communication, and material engineering.

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显示项目101-125 / 399. (共16页)
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1997 The Study of Electrical Properties of the ZnO Semiconductor H. Z. Chen
1999 A Study on Near Infrared c-Si Phototransistors N. F. Shih
2005 Substitution Effect on Magnetization Behaviors in Manganese Perovskites La0.7-xYxPb0.3MnO3 (0.0?x?0.2) S. L. Young; Lance Horng; Y. W. Ho; H. Z. Chen; J. C. Wu
1996 ?Surface morphology effect of the photoresponse of high temperature superconducting microbridges? Hsiung Chou; H. Z. Chen; Y. C. Chen; T. L. Lin; T. C. Chow; D. P. Wang
2003 The synergistic effect of N2/H2 gases in the plasma passivation of siloxane-based low-k polymer films’ S. T. Chen; G. S. Chen; T. J. Yang; T. C. Chang; W. H. Yang
2003 Synthesis characterization and magnetic properties of the La0.7-xSmxPb0.3MnO3 manganites H. Z. Chen; Lance Horng; Y. C. Chen; J. B. Shi; S. L. Young
2007-08-16 Synthesis Characterization of Magnetic Properties in La0.7-xLnxPb0.3MnO3 (Ln=Pr, Nd, Gd, Dy, Sm and Y) Perovkite Compounds M. C. Kao; H. Z. Chen; S. L. Young; C.Y. Shen; L. Horng
2002 ?Synthesis magnetic characterization and hysteresis modeling of the La0.6Ln0.1 Pb0.3MnO3 (Ln=Pr,Nd and Y) manganites? L. Horng; S. L. Young; C. C. Chang; H. Z. Chen; Y. C. Chen
2016-12-28 TFT-LCD製程技術 江偉詮; 林子維
2003-08 Thickness-Dependent Leakage Current of (Polyvinylidene Fluoride/Lead Titanate) Pyroelectric detectors M. C. Kao; C. M. Wang; H. Z. Chen; M. S. Lee; Y. C. Chen
1997 Using Artificial Neural Networks for an Optimizing Hashing Function(使用類神經網路解赫序函數問題) 余建政; 王仁澤; 謝志明
2005 Variation of transport property in magnetoresistive polycrystalline La0.7-xLnxPb0.3MnO3 (Ln=Pr, Nd, Gd, Dy, Sm and Y) S. L. Young; Lance Horng; Y.W. Ho; H. Z. Chen; J.B. Shi
1992 Visible a-SiC:H p-i-n light emitting diodes with hot-carrier tunneling injection layers J. W. Hong; T. S. Jen; N. F. Shin; J. D. Lee; C. Y. Chang
2009-11-11 ZIGBEE網路智慧居家監控 沈的葳; 雷雙瑜; 張桂豪
2012-12-26 三軸運動工具機 賴羿杰; 蔡惟霖
2015-12 不同成長基板對BiFeO3薄膜之相關特性研究 洪宇興; 陳敬之; 洪敬傑; 王藝蒙
2008-10-30 不同摻雜之二氧化鈦薄膜於染料敏化太陽能電池特性之研究 陳建銘; 游海釤; 黃瑞杰; 吳建宗
2013-12 不同染料及二氧化鈦型態對染敏太陽能電池之影響 朱忠敏 王信淵 徐振傑 陳佑誠
2019-06 不同溫度燒結對多鐵性Bi0.94Sm0.06FeO3薄膜之特性研究 王譯崴; 徐家偉; 鄭元嘉; 邱崑霖; 萬才德
2021-06 不同溫度燒結對多鐵性Bi1-xNdxFeO3鐵酸鉍薄膜摻雜釹元素之特性研究 高健軒; 謝浩維; 洪佾劼; 謝昶泳
2011-12-28 不同製程參數對鐵酸鉍薄膜之特性影響 林加昇; 蘇政嘉; 陳威毅; 楊詠傑
2016-12-26 不同退火溫度生長氧化鋅奈米柱於不鏽鋼基板之螢光特性分析研究 李宸維; 張育儒; 簡宏倫; 羅文彥
2011-12-28 不同退火處理對染敏太陽電池之影響 黃政景; 李軒; 劉誌緯; 鄭旭凱; 邱世曜
2012-12-26 不同透明導電玻璃對染敏太陽電池之影響 江庭誥; 姚可威
2017-05-31 人形機器人設計製作 王鉦權; 管建暉; 黃俊誠

显示项目101-125 / 399. (共16页)
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