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簡介:圖書資訊處成立於2019年8月(108學年度),由「圖書館」與「資訊處」合併而成,分設圖書資源、推廣服務、系統網路、行政諮詢等四組。圖書館建築宏偉又名「松月書室」以紀念本校創辦人之先翁林耀亭公,105學年度於三樓建置校史室,收藏本校重要史料,展示學校歷史與校園特色。 本處圖書服務以建構「具有人文氣息的E化圖書館」為目標,採用M7圖書館自動化系統,配置資訊檢索電腦12部、閱覽席次710席、多媒體自學中心擁有微電腦46部,並提供多媒體視聽服務、圖書館館際合作等服務,另設有樂活學習區、特藏室及討論室,提供讀者更多元學習環境。 目前館藏圖書資料總數達26萬餘冊、中外文期刊共計4萬6仟餘種、6萬餘本電子書、與1萬9千餘件多媒體視聽資料。此外,機構典藏系統收錄了師生6仟餘件學術著作。 資訊服務部分主要在支援校務行政e化、創造暢通無阻的有線與無線校園網路 環境、建置e化學習平台、學生學習歷程及教師教學歷程,進而提升行政效能及效率與師生教學與研究之品質。 全校電腦軟硬體資源採集中管理與資源共享。本處管轄電腦教室10間、各系所配罝電腦之教室31間及語言教室2間,共設置43間電腦教室,提供電腦實務課程使用。校園網路骨幹,採10Gigabit雙迴路單模光纖連接各大樓提供高速網路服務;連外網路設置一條Gigabit及三條FTTB,連接台灣學術網路(TANET)、台灣高品質學術研究網路(TWAREN)及網際網路,提供全校師生之教學與研究活動。 本校校務行政e化系統包含教務、學務、總務、人事、會計及其它資訊系統。依使用族群分別建立教職員工資訊系統(PIS)、學生資訊系統(SIS)、家長資訊系統(GIS)及校友資訊系統(AIS)等單一入口,另建立證照資訊系統、學習領航系統、就業引導系統及電子公文系統等平台,提供完整的e化校務系統服務。 為全校教職員生保留完整e化紀錄,開發學生成就系統、學生學習歷程系統及教師教學歷程系統,提升本校行政效能與教學與研究之品質。此外,提供教職員生教學互動學習平台,透過此平台進行線上學習、教學互動、部落格經營,增加教職員生線上互動環境提昇學習成效。 為保護學校單位內的資料安全、降低網路侵權與資安事件,本處在資訊安全管理建置上區分為「網路安全」、「系統安全」及「安全的管理機制」,並通過「教育體系資通安全暨個人資料管理規範驗證」。

The Office of Library and Information was established in August 2019 (108 academic year). It is a merger of the "Library" and the " Office of Information Technology ". It is equipped with library resources, extension services., system and networks, and administrative consulting. The Hsiuping library is a magnificent building and is also known as the Sung Yueh Library which is named in honor of the father of school's founder Yao-Ting Lin. We have built completely school history room in 2016, to show school important historical informations, showing the history of the school and the characteristics of campus. It is our vision to create a library that balance the technical and humanistic spirits. We have equipped with the M7 Automated Library System, 12 computers for information retrieval, 46 computers for selflearning, seating for over 710 users, multimedia audio-visual services, inter-library system services etc. In recent years, learning commons, special collections room and study area were added in our library, creating more diversified learning environment. Our collection includes more than 260,000 books, 46,000 Chinese and foreign periodicals, and more than 60,000 E-books, 19,000 multimedia and electronic databases. In addition, the institution's archives system has collected more than 6,000 academic works of teachers and students. The information service mainly supports computerized administration, create wire/ wireless campus Internet environments, build an e-Learning platform and facilitate students/ faculty iLMS in order to enhance administration efficiency. Moreover, it is also to improve the quality of teaching and researching. All university computer software and hardware management are centralized and the resources are shared by all university members. This office manages 10 computer classrooms. There are 31 computer classrooms managed by all departments, and 2 language classrooms. A total of 43 computer classrooms are set up to provide computer practice courses. The main Internet stem uses a 10 Gigabit, 2-way, single mode optical fiber which connects each campus building for high-speed Intranet service. For off campus broadband Internet connection service, there are one Gigabit and three FTTB which connect with TANET, TWAREN and Internet. These Internet lines support faculties and students for learning and researching. The e-administration system includes teaching affairs, student affairs, general affairs, personnel affairs, accounting and other information system. Users are categorized based on their status, such as PIS for faculty members, SIS for students, GIS for students’ parents and AIS for alumni. Furthermore, the system also has certificate information, student learning guide, job application guidance platforms and Electronic Document System. This office designs E-Portfolio system for reserving a complete electronic record on students’ learning process and teachers’ instruction. This is used for enhancing administration efficiency and the quality of teaching and researching. The technology services also provide faculties and students with an interactive platform for online learning, interactive teaching, and blog managing. These interactive features improve learning efficiency. This office divides information security management into Internet safety, system safety and safe management mechanisms for protecting university information and preventing copy-right and information security violations. All these measurements have been certified by the educational information security management system (ISMS) and personal information management system (PIMS).


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顯示項目1-14 / 14. (共1頁)

2008-10-20 修平科技大學學生專題分組繳交名單表 修平機構典藏工作團隊
2008-10-20 修平科技大學學生專題數位化典藏執行流程 修平機構典藏工作團隊
2008-10-20 修平科技大學學生著作典藏管理細則 修平機構典藏工作團隊
2008-10-20 修平科技大學專題製作報告典藏資料表 修平機構典藏工作團隊
2008-10-20 修平科技大學專題製作報告電子檔案上網授權書 修平機構典藏工作團隊
2020-01-13 修平科技大學專題/論文電子檔案下架申請書 修平機構典藏工作團隊
2008-10-20 修平科技大學教師專利資料典藏資料表 修平機構典藏工作團隊
2008-10-20 修平科技大學教師技術報告全文電子檔典藏資料表 修平機構典藏工作團隊
2008-10-20 修平科技大學教師期刊論文全文電子檔典藏資料表 修平機構典藏工作團隊
2008-10-20 修平科技大學教師研究計畫全文電子檔典藏資料表 修平機構典藏工作團隊
2008-10-20 修平科技大學教師研討會論文全文電子檔典藏資料表 修平機構典藏工作團隊
2008-10-20 修平科技大學教師著作全文電子檔著作權授權書 修平機構典藏工作團隊
2008-10-20 修平科技大學教師著作數位化典藏執行流程 修平機構典藏工作團隊
2004-03 加入WTO對我國小汽車產業政策影響之探討 劉華胤

顯示項目1-14 / 14. (共1頁)


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