題名: | 模糊環境下多目標專案管理決策 Multi-objective project management decisions in fuzzy environments |
作者: | 林學茂 |
貢獻者: | 精實生產管理研究所 |
關鍵詞: | 專案管理決策 二階段可能性線性規劃 多目標線性規劃 模糊集理論 三角可能性分配 |
日期: | 2011-05
上傳時間: | 2013-11-21T07:42:39Z
摘要: | 現有探討專案管理(PM)決策之文獻數量已累積不少,但普遍存在忽略相關間接與懲罰成本、假設資源可以無限供應、設定相關決策參數為已知確定值、以及對模糊多目標之權衡取捨考量明顯不足等缺失。本研究的目的主要在於整合模糊集理論與模糊數學規劃技術,發展一新的互動式二階段可能性線性規劃(PLP)法,用以求解不確定環境下目標函數及限制式具不精確性質之多目標PM決策問題。首先,本研究建構一符合實務決策情境的模糊多目標線性規劃模式,內容涵蓋總專案成本及總完工時間二個極小化模糊目標,並將專案的直接、間接與懲罰成本、作業時間、作業順序、容許趕工時間範圍、約定完工時間及總預算限制因素納入考量。其次,分別提出求解不精確目標函數及模糊限制式之策略,並發展二階段PLP法用以改善及求得多目標PM決策問題之有效妥協解。接著,建構所發展二階段PLP法之系統化決策架構,提供決策者以互動方式執行及修正模式適當步驟,藉以提升模式的建構效率及決策滿意度。最後,特舉一旅館重建工程個案進行模式測試,藉以驗證模式於產業實際應用的可行性,同時就模式測試結果分析其所呈現的重大管理意涵,並將之與傳統文獻所提方法進行模式比較。整體而言,本研究所發展的互動式二階段可能性數學規劃法,預期除可保證求得不確定環境下多目標PM決策問題之有效妥協解及整體決策滿意度外,同時亦具備彈性修正程序、提供多元決策資訊及具較高的模式建構與運算效率之優質特色,相當程度上將可解決傳統PM決策模式實際應用程度不足問題。 Project management (PM) issues have long attracted interest from both practitioners and academics. In practical PM decision problems, environmental coefficients and related parameters are frequently imprecise/fuzzy in nature, and a decision maker (DM) must simultaneously consider various conflicting objectives in a framework of imprecise aspiration levels. This work develops an interactive two-phase possibilistic linear programming (PLP) approach for solving the PM decision problems with multiple goals in a fuzzy environment. The original fuzzy multi-objective linear programming (MOLP) model designed here attempts to simultaneously minimize total project costs and total completion time with reference to direct costs, indirect costs, contractual penalty costs, duration of activities and the constraint of available budget. The auxiliary fuzzy MOLP problem resulting from the treatment of the imprecise objective function can be converted into an equivalent ordinary single-goal linear programming form using the linear membership functions to specify the fuzzy objectives of the DM, together with the minimum and weighed averaging operators to aggregate fuzzy sets. Moreover, a systematic solution procedure is developed to provide a suitable fuzzy decision-making process of the DM to solve PM decision problems, enabling a DM to interactively modify the fuzzy data and parameters until a preferred satisfactory efficient solution is derived. Additionally, a real-world industrial case is utilized to demonstrate the feasibility of applying the proposed two-phase PLP approach to MRP decision problems and several significant management implications and features regarding the practical application of the proposed approach are presented. Overall, the main contribution of this work lies in presenting the fuzzy mathematical programming methodology for solving the PM decision problems with constrained resources in uncertain environments. Computational methodology developed in this work can easily be extended to any other situations and can effectively handle the realistic PM decisions. |
描述: | 指導教授:梁添富 |
顯示於類別: | [工業工程與管理系(含精實生產管理碩士班)] 學位論文
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