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“School of General Education” was transformed from “General education Center” in 2012, after Hsiuping Institute of Science and Technology becoming Husiuping University of Technology in 2011. The main function of “School of General Education” is to carry out the spirits and ideas of humanity and science through courses, activities and learning environments.
Besides designing formal courses, informal and potential courses will also be practiced to meet the three main themes of our long-term plans. The three themes focus on enhancing the education of aesthetics, deepening the understanding of Taiwan, and exalting the distinctive features and cultures of different Taiwan tribes. “School of General Education” aims to foster students with humanities accomplishment, highly strong ethics and integrated knowledge in many fields, which will be executed accompanying by the traits of local spirits, humanities accomplishment, holistic education, life-long compassion, and spirits of helping others.
Future goals
1.The General Education Curriculum is designed to cultivate students with human accomplishment, to develop fundamental virtues with morality education, and finally to foster students in Hsiuping with modern Mo-Di spirits.
2.The core courses merge with modern and traditional values, which elevate the moral depth of students and build positive attitudes toward life to modern citizens.
3.To make students to be right employees for culture and technology industries, the main courses are based on core courses to broaden their fundamental knowledge.
4.To strengthen the competitiveness in working fields, students will be trained to promote their basic Chinese, English, and Computer Science abilities.
5.In the long-term, the general education learning environment will be created, the contents will be enriched and the atmospheres of humane, artistic campus will be built.

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2001-10 2000年網球規則新修訂計分方式之詮釋 王正松
2006-09 2004亞洲杯足球賽中國 - 日本決賽事件探討 吳東昇; 褚曾文
2007-06 2007 中部雕塑名家六人展 王水河; 陳金典; 陳松; 謝棟樑; 王英信; 黃映蒲
2009-05-20 2009 游昭晴作品集4 游昭晴
2009-04 2009 臺灣文化之美–廟宇篇 江美玲; 蔡女齡
2009-11 2009 臺灣文化之美第二輯–城鎮篇 江美玲; 蔡女齡
1997 An Algorithm to Find All Parameters in Pattern Recognition Using Unsupervised Learning TZE-FEN LI; CHIH-LI CHANG
2000-09 A Critical Study of James's Fiction: The Ambassadors Jaw-Shiun Peng
2005 The effect of handle angle on fencing sport Lin, C. L.; Chang, C. L.
2006 Effects of handwear and hand posture on four performance measures in foil fencing Kai-Way Li; Chih-Lin Chang
2004 Factor analysis of fencing performance and injure Lin, F. T.; Chang, C. L.
2006 From Tradition to Diversity: Educational Transition of American Higher Education, Paper Accepted Yang, J. F.; Hu, Y. N.; Lin. C. M.; Hsiao, C. M
2006 Investigation of injures in Martialarts 曹鏞
2006-10 Memory.Verse 林郁廷 1996-2006 數位影像創作專輯 林郁廷
2006 Preventing Injuries in Tae-kwon-do Chih-Lin Chang; Zen- Pin Lin; Enrico, N. Esposito
2001-09 A Raman Spectral Study of Crystalline Strontium Nitrite Monohydrate S.J.Lin; W.S.Tse
2000-09 A Raman Study of The Phase Transition in Iron Perchlorate Hexahydrate S.J.Lin
2004 The Revision of the Translated Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire Wang, C. S.; Wang, C. H.
1997-11 T'ao Ch'ien's"Peach Blossom Spring"and Voltaire's Eldorado 游文嘉; 林哲漢
2009-03 Time 林郁廷 2009 數位影像創作專輯 林郁廷
2002 Using Genetic Algorithms to Parameters (d,r) Estimation for Threshold Autoregressive Models BERLIN WU; CHIH-LI CHANG
2000-09 Variables Related to Differences in EFL Learning Styles: Course Development Fang-Mei Tai
2009-03 α-甲基苯乙烯與反-β-甲基苯乙烯與苯甲醛之熱危害反應探討 陳建榮; 薛公邑; 黃靖如; 林聖壹
1999 三○年代臺語流行歌曲所展現的被殖民經驗 楊克隆
2004-11-02 上肢甩刺與下肢運動模式在人因工程之應用研究 張志凌
2005 不同型態運動對停經婦女骨質密度的影響 胡雲雯; 何忠鋒
2004 不同年齡層在「運動體適能與代謝體適能」之差異研究 周家豪; 何忠鋒; 胡雲雯; 林勁宏; 楊孫錦; 王榮錫
2006 不同形狀握把對握劍施力與手腕活動之影響 張志凌; 林房儹
2004-09 不同握把角度之握力績效檢測 張志凌; 褚曾文; 林智隆
2008-07-31 不同運動項目選手的足壓特性與運動能力及運動傷害的相關研究(I) 張志凌; 李開偉
2003 不同項目選手知覺教練領導行為、團隊凝聚力與滿意度之相關研究 王耀聰; 王正松
2009-09 中國方志編修的傳承與實踐-評介郭著《方志論評》 林慶弧; Ching-Hu Lin
1992 中國的射 曹鏞
1983 二次元異方性複合區域的等方化之映像理論 林樹枝
2009-09 二維圓形薄曲樑之有限變形研究 林秋文
2011-03 二維圓形薄疊層曲樑之有限變形研究 林秋文
2004-09 人因工程與運動之探討 - 以擊劍運動為例 - 張志凌; 林智隆; 謝振務
2006-06 人類從自覺到互助的探討 經觀榮
2006-09 人類道德規範與仁之間的探討 經觀榮
2003 以擊劍運動訓練教育淺談擊劍教練哲學觀 溫華昇; 張志凌
1976 伊萊特拉之悲哀 曾麗雪
1999 來去音樂廳 林慶弧
2005-09 修平技術學院89~92學年學生體適能檢測分析 鍾德文
2004-03 修平技術學院四技二專新生體適能之分析 鍾德文
2006 修平技術學院教職員工健康體適能評析 鍾德文; 褚曾文; 林芳伶
2005 健康運動中心經營管理成功個案之研究--以臺南市深呼吸活力運動中心為例 郭政茂; 郭旭東; 林芳伶; 張耀川
2000 全國技專校院圖書館自動化現況與服務滿意度調查之研究 林慶弧; 鄭麗美
2009-11 八方雲集–2009八方畫會 八方畫會會員
1984 六朝時代太學與宮廷禮儀關係之研究 林寶琮
2003 『六盒模型 (Six-box Model) 理論』對國際網球總會之分析與評價 王正松; 王建興

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