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培育具有「電腦輔助工程、設計、製造、分析」、「精密機械」及「機電整合」等實用知能,使學生能擔任具實用技能之中高級機械技術人才,以因應國家發展及產業升級的需要。兼重理論與實務結合,借重產業界之現有設備及技術,使學生能獲得產業界最新的實用技術及知識,達到技職教育之目標並符合企業之需求。 本校位於大里工業區旁,其為一傳統機械與精密機械產業的發展重鎮,傳統上與本校具有緊密的關係。因此,本研究之設立目的以培養機械產業之高級人力為主,並進一步協助中部各工業區之傳統產業轉型發展和提昇其競爭力為目的。本所師資優良,專任助理教授以上的師資共有三十位,除學有專精外且具實務經驗,相關研究計畫和產學合作經驗足以培育優秀高級技術人才。 本所發展重點:(1)配合中部以工具機和製造業為主體的精密機械產業特色,全力發展精密機械與製造科技,並結合機械系原本之「精密機械及測控中心」,與中部地區相關廠商進行產學合作、教育訓練、研究開發等各項交流,以培養具有精密機械與製造方面的專業高級人力,其主要涵蓋微奈米系統、材料科技、機電整合及控制、光電科技、快速原型加工與逆向工程、電腦輔助製造技術及精密量測等領域。(2)協助提升中部地區為數眾多的模具業、製造業及空油壓業等機械相關產業之各項研究開發的技術層次,以因應經濟發展之趨勢及競爭之壓力,避免在「中部科學工業園區」所創造的群聚中缺席。
The purpose of this program is to unite theory and practice, so students can acquire the knowledge and the most advanced techniques to meet business needs. The department's goal is to educate students in computer-aided engineering, precision machinery and mechatronics. As a result of the departments program students are trained to become skilled professionals in the mechanical engineering fields. This will help to achieve Taiwan's economic demands. Another goal of the department is to expand the cooperation between industry and HUST. These cooperatives will use existing industrial equipment and techniques while advocating the importance of re-education. With Hsiuping's location in the Dali Industrial Park there continues to develop close ties between the school and these companies. The new Institute was formed from the original Mechanical Engineering Department, the Precision Mechanics and Measurement Center and the Control Lab. This new Institute now has the following resources available: mechanics, electrical, mechanic electronics, control, measurement and material science. Some new technologies will be added; those are micro-electro-mechanical systems, nano-science, advanced material science, optical-electronics engineering, computer aided design and manufacturing, rapid prototyping and inverse engineering, and inspection and measurement of micro/nano systems. The Institute has a graduate program that awards a Master of Science degree. Our research team and teaching staff are highly qualified and have many years of experience. Every year, most are granted private company projects that are funded by the government. These produce publications in related research fields. An increasing demand in the precision machinery industry creates many openings for full-time and part-time students who will seek a degree from this department. Students who graduate from this department are meeting the needs of local companies.

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Showing items 426-450 of 887. (36 Page(s) Totally)
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2010-03 應屆畢業生對學校行政滿意度及忠誠度之研究 張敏; 陳培中
2010-07 應用D-optimal設計法來建模與分析其精密車削過程中之振動與表面粗糙度 廖炎卿
2017-06-07 應用五軸銑削中心機製作 工具機展覽之鑽石造型鋁杯 徐語揚; 林家僪; 林育瑨; 陳仕鈞
2017-06-07 應用四軸銑削中心機製作工具機展覽之人像雕塑零件 葉恩輔; 林祐瑜; 黃存逸; 林育聖
2019-06-02 應用四軸銑削中心機製作龍柱筆筒 王尚緯; 鄭鈺融; 林高弘; 冠麟
2010-09 應用田口分析法於三軸工具機切削條件與精度之研究 蔡東憲; 林東宏
2010-07 應用田口分析法於三軸工具機切削條件與精度之研究 林東宏
2002-09 應用田口法於CD-ROM 碟片托盤射出成型之製程最佳化開發 江可達; 楊展耀; 林秀姿
2018-06-26 戶外油煙過濾系統 蔡寶康;賴育聖;張家誠;張維庭
2016-06 手動式壓罐器 李奕諺,李家豪,林家葦,林鼎祐
2010-12-31 手動簡易升降器 羅春宏; 盧俊達; 林子欽; 李玉麟; 劉士豪; 李竹哲
2020-06-13 手工具表面缺陷問題研究 胡凱祥; 李冠慶; 翁碩廷; 賴明政
2011-12-28 手工香皂模具製作 蘇培寧; 王嘉真; 蔡柏毅; 張永杰; 蕭修泓; 林尚賢
2018-06-27 手搖式洗菜機 楊凱期; 李崇銘
2010-01-06 手搖與電動雙用三輪車製作 賴建宏; 陳炯齊; 粱嘉瑋; 趙柏凱; 賴智棓
2016-04 手機保護殼 廖家鴻,蔡子文,邱意福
2016-06 手機座模具設計與加工 林聖凱,劉奕呈,陳聖哲,劉庭彰
2017-07-27 手機架設計 林睿榆; 林家安; 陳崧豪
2017-06-21 手機殼3D列印 與開模製作 王育烜; 王介廷; 莊哲瑜; 徐仲霖
2010-12-31 手機遠端遙控家電 林義遠; 蔡明修; 林昇賢; 游輝弘; 楊俊聰; 林士誠
2012-12-25 折板機 葉庭劭; 曾景郁; 鄭凱文; 林政杰
2010-12-22 抽管工程技術及動作 朱家瑩; 蔡佩珍; 鍾德賢
2018-06-28 指甲剪護套模具之研製 楊峻豪; 黃子豪; 鄧禮軒; 張逸軒
2014-06 挖土機動作模擬 楊松齡
2021-06 捲收式車輛遮陽裝置 王泯詠; 黃信凱; 賴品誠; 鄒天翔

Showing items 426-450 of 887. (36 Page(s) Totally)
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