本研究主要使用 JCXF5 型光學尺感測器與 Atmega8515 微控制器開發一套位移變化的量測設備。弁鈳]計光學尺內部感測間隔格數經 Atmega8515 微控制器轉變為實際量測的位移距離。感測器量測輸出結果將顯現於 LCM,並可設定參數控制馬達轉向使床台移動。移動平台設計由 DC馬達、齒輪、螺桿、移動床台,固定於一基座。
透過雷射干涉儀(Laser interferometer)驗證位移變化量測設備的精準度,將位移變化量測設備放置在量測平台上。分別設定10mm至床台移動總行程38.69mm位移變化,每個位移變化量測五次,顯示結果誤差值在 0.07至0.2mm 之間。 『Rotation-type Cutting Machine』was designed to cut the drill bit and endmill when they were in sharpening. The structure of the 『Rotation-type Cutting Machine』 has two motors power source, which one power source drive rotation cutter, and the other one power source drive the fixture clamp. Base on the function requirement, a small size controller is required for auto feed and position control.
In this study, JCXF5 Linear Encoder sensor and Atmega8515 microcontrollers was used to develop a displacement variation measurement and monitor device. The JCXF5 Linear
Encoder sensor converts the measure distance into a series square wave signal. The code of Atmega8515 microcontrollers was programmed to count the number of the square wave signal and convert to digital signal for Liquid Crystal Display. By the way, the digital signal
can also drive the DC motor in clockwise and counterclockwise direction.
The laser interferometer was used to verify displacement variation measurement device. A set of different distances, from 10mm to 38.69mm, was measured by the displacement variation measurement device and laser interferometer. The mean errors were 0.07 to 0.2mm
by five times test for each different distance.