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The department's goal is to graduate students with intermediate to advanced level of proficiency in Japanese. In addition to basic language skill training such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating, the department also offers relevant courses in trade, business, secretarial skills, and tourism. These are designed to broaden student's business learning. The department particularly focuses on assisting students to pass Japanese language proficiency tests. To help students put into practice what they have learned; the department has cooperative programs with industry. Also, academic cooperative programs with Japanese universities are currently being established. These programs will include a student exchange program. Through these exchanges, students will have a better understanding of Japanese culture and society and improve their Japanese language skills. This is necessary for further studies or job placement.

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显示项目326-350 / 418. (共17页)
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2013-12 櫻之研究 羅庭妤; 林佩君; 蕭柔玉; 柯婉婷
2020-06 櫻花與日本觀光的結合 謝秋羽; 游斯涵; 李怡萱; 羅紫倫
2012-01-10 歌舞伎 林瓊揮; 古書華; 蔡宗倫; 林鈺峰; 張歆婕
2020-06 武田信玄之研究 陳珮瑄; 萬妤婷
2010-12-15 民俗學探討~關於日本妖怪 江翊郢; 蕭宇婷; 劉淑忍; 童耀德
2012-01-10 水漾美人坊實習報告 杜曼寧
2019-06 江戶幕府新選組在次文化中的演變與影響-以動漫作品為例 吳宜芬
2019-01 沖繩古建築探討–以三個古建築為例 徐慧倫; 陳怡靜; 陳瑞琴; 朱珮誼; 林晨宥
2017-12-20 津輕海峽新幹線通車所帶來的衝擊與利益之研究 謝謹瑜
2020-06 流行語起源與發展 王宥晴; 余承昱; 陳惟閔; 賴忠瑋; 關軍為
2012-12-19 消費者行為個案分析-以楓康超市為例 戴孟環
2015-01 深入探討日本酒及吧檯 黃昭維
2023-06 淺草寺的成立與發展 吳致緯; 蔡竣傑; 藍士哲
2015-01 淺論河洛話與日本語的關係-由歷史的溯源分析- 陳佳琳; 李佳蓉
2016-01 漢字的逆輸入 張靖宜,劉宇容,林家靖,王俐涵
2020-06 激安の殿堂ドンキホーテと小北百貨の比較分析 翁億明; 呂志濤; 林育寬; 張仲祺; 莊孟哲
2011-12-30 為什麼東京迪士尼會如此受到歡迎? 汪竺沂; 梁惟珉; 林虹儀
2012-12-19 熱情南台灣電影觀光 陳薇如
2017-01-10 燒肉市場 劉羽真
2017-01-10 燒肉市場分析 楊念軒
2016-12-30 燒肉市場實習 翁莠雯
2017-12-20 燒肉與海鮮市場校外實習 陳致豪; 李其軒; 薛曜邦
2011-01-10 爭鮮迴轉壽司 陳可欣
2011-01-10 爭鮮迴轉壽司 程湘筠
2011-01-10 爭鮮迴轉壽司實習報告 張沛宇

显示项目326-350 / 418. (共17页)
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