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“School of General Education” was transformed from “General education Center” in 2012, after Hsiuping Institute of Science and Technology becoming Husiuping University of Technology in 2011. The main function of “School of General Education” is to carry out the spirits and ideas of humanity and science through courses, activities and learning environments.
Besides designing formal courses, informal and potential courses will also be practiced to meet the three main themes of our long-term plans. The three themes focus on enhancing the education of aesthetics, deepening the understanding of Taiwan, and exalting the distinctive features and cultures of different Taiwan tribes. “School of General Education” aims to foster students with humanities accomplishment, highly strong ethics and integrated knowledge in many fields, which will be executed accompanying by the traits of local spirits, humanities accomplishment, holistic education, life-long compassion, and spirits of helping others.
Future goals
1.The General Education Curriculum is designed to cultivate students with human accomplishment, to develop fundamental virtues with morality education, and finally to foster students in Hsiuping with modern Mo-Di spirits.
2.The core courses merge with modern and traditional values, which elevate the moral depth of students and build positive attitudes toward life to modern citizens.
3.To make students to be right employees for culture and technology industries, the main courses are based on core courses to broaden their fundamental knowledge.
4.To strengthen the competitiveness in working fields, students will be trained to promote their basic Chinese, English, and Computer Science abilities.
5.In the long-term, the general education learning environment will be created, the contents will be enriched and the atmospheres of humane, artistic campus will be built.

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显示项目51-75 / 210. (共9页)
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2000 創意休閒規劃 林慶弧
1999 南臺灣傳統廟宇屋脊之美--兼論葉王的交趾陶藝術 江美玲
1975 古史傳說中之中韓關係 林寶琮
2008-09 台中地區參與慢速壘球運動現況之研究 黃俊傑; 何育敏
2008-09 台中縣市地區大專院校學生參與慢速壘球運動動機與生活型態之相關性研究 黃俊傑; 褚曾文; 鍾德文
1987 台灣地名之外語因素之研究 楊淑良
2005 台灣軟網「球聖」柳金木 林玫君; 楊聯琦
2005 台灣體育運動史學研究發展(1945-2005) 林玫君; 楊聯琦
1995 唐玄宗時代之政治由盛變衰原因的探討 林寶琮
2004-09 四日技一年級英文能力分組和促進學生學習效率之評估 :修平經驗 韓瓊芳; 王幸瑜; 曾麗雪
2003-03 國內擊劍選手運動傷害成因之研究 張志凌; 潘旭章
2005 國內男子網球選手發球表現的探討 賴素玲; 蘇榮基; 王正松
2002 國立中興大學九十學年度全校運動會學生參與之相關研究 王耀聰; 王正松
1994 在型1及型2誤差同時控制下之不良率的檢定 張智立
1995 在小樣本下不良率的區間估計 張智立
2003 型塑校園文化–與藝術遊戲 92 學年技職院校通識教育資源中心建置計畫–校內示範藝文展–創意面具展、師生聯展、實用素描展 修平技術學院通識教育中心
2010-05 塑.英雄–王英信、王國雄父子雙個展 王英信; 王國雄
2008-10 墨舞情懷 - 黃銘玉作品集 黃銘玉
2006-12 大地風情–林世坤西畫集 林世坤
2004-09 大學生不同年級、性別、身體質量指數與身體形象之關係研究 王正松; 王建興
大學運動場館運動滿意度之調查研究~以國立中興大學為例 王正松; 王建興; 王美珍
2004 大專排球教練對自由球員認知之研究 楊聯琦
2000 大專排球教練暫停時機運用之探討 楊聯琦; 陳和章
2007-03 大專院校男女啦啦隊員內在動機及教練領導與凝聚力之研究 張志凌; 林仁彬; 褚曾文
1980 奧烈提亞 曾麗雪

Showing items 51-75 of 210. (9 Page(s) Totally)
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